At HCDSB, we are committed to creating safe and inclusive work and learning environments where every member of our community feels welcomed, valued and respected. Promoting equity and inclusion at all levels of our system is an ongoing priority and implementing a Student Census as well as a Workforce Census are important steps towards achieving this priority. 

These data collection initiatives are an important part of our Equity and Inclusion Policy and Strategic Plan, and our process aligns with provincial legislation and policy, including with Ontario’s Anti-Racism Act, 2017 and Equity Action Plan, PPM 165, as well as the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Ultimately, the data we collect from the Workforce Census and the Student Census will help us work towards our priority of building and promoting more equitable, diverse, and inclusive working and learning environments where all staff and students feel welcomed, valued and respected.

Workforce Census

Data collected through a staff census helps us better understand the composition of our HCDSB workforce so we can identify strengths and barriers to equity and inclusion in employment and helps us create plans and supports to address workplace equity.  

On January 24, 2022, we launched our first Workforce Census.

Student Census

In accordance with Ontario’s Anti-Racism Data Standards (ARDS) and the 2017 Anti-Racism Act, all Ontario school boards are required to collect identity-based data (via census). 

Gathering identity-based data allows HCDSB to better understand our students’ identities and experiences, so we can address systemic barriers to student success and well-being and foster a more welcoming and positive learning environment for all.

During the 2022-2023 school year, HCDSB implemented its first Student Census.