Parish | Contact | Schools |
Holy Rosary (Burlington) 287 Plains Road East Burlington, ON L7T 2C7 | Pastor: Rev. Martin Vallely, PP hrosary@cogeco.net 905-634-7441 | ​Assumption C.S.S. Holy Rosary (B) C.E.S. |
St. Gabriel 2261 Parkway Drive Burlington, ONÂ L7P 1S9 | Pastor: Fr. P. Patrick office@saintgabrielchurch.com 905-336-7144 | Notre Dame C.S.S. St. Gabriel C.E.S. St. Mark C.E.S. |
St. John the Baptist 2016 Blairholm Avenue Burlington, ON L7R 1V4 | Pastor: Fr. A. Kébé office@stjohnthebaptist.ca 905-634-2485 | ​Assumption C.S.S. St. John (B) C.E.S. |
St. Patrick 196 Kenwood Avenue Burlington, ON L7L 4L8 | Pastor: Fr. G. Pinto st.patrick.burlington@on.aibn.com 905-632-6114 | ​Assumption C.S.S. Ascension C.E.S. St. Patrick C.E.S. |
St. Paul the Apostle 2265 Headon Road Burlington, ONÂ L7M 4E2 | Pastor: Fr. J. Schnurr paul22@cogeco.ca | Notre Dame C.S.S. Canadian Martyrs C.E.S. St. Timothy C.E.S. Corpus Christi C.S.S. Sacred Heart of Jesus C.E.S. St. Anne C.E.S. St. Christopher C.E.S. St. Elizabeth Seaton C.E.S. |
St. Raphael 4072 New Street Burlington, ONÂ L7L 1S9 | Pastor: Fr. W. Andrade office@straphaels.ca 905-637-2346 | Assumption C.S.S. Corpus Christi C.E.S. St. Paul C.E.S. St. Raphael C.E.S. |
Halton Hills
Parish | Contact | Scools |
Holy Cross 14400 Argyll Road Georgetown, ONÂ L7G 0B9 | Pastor: Fr. D. Walter holycrossgeorgetown@bellnet.ca 905-873-1887 | Christ the King C.S.S. Holy Cross C.E.S. St. Brigid C.E.S. St. Catherine of Alexandria C.E.S. St. Francis of Assisi C.E.S. |
St. Joseph (Halton Hills) 63 Church Street East – Church 39 John Street South – Mailing Acton, ON L7J 2A8 | Administrator: Fr. M. Sullivan stjosephacton@hamiltondiocese.com 519-853-0784 | ​Christ the King C.S.S. St. Joseph (Acton) C.E.S. |
Parish | Contact | Schools |
Chancery Office / Bishop’s Office |
Parish | Contact | Schools |
Holy Rosary (Milton) 139 Martin Street Milton, ONÂ L9T 2R3 | Pastor: Fr. J. Van Hees reception@holyrosaryparish.ca 905-878-6535 | Bishop P.F. Reding C.S.S. Holy Rosary (M) C.E.S. Our Lady of Victory C.E.S. St. Anthony of Padua C.E.S. St. Peter C.E.S. Queen of Heaven C.E.S. |
St. Benedict Parish 1069 Kelman Court Milton, ON L9T 2W3 | Pastor: Fr. L. Parent stbenedictmilton@gmail.com 289-878-3118 | ​​St. Francis Xavier C.S.S. Our Lady of Fatima C.E.S. St. Benedict C.E.S. St. Scholastica C.E.S. St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.S.S. Guardian Angels C.E.S. Our Lady of Fatima C.E.S. |
Parish | Contact | Schools |
Mary Mother of God 2745 North Ridge Trail Oakville, ONÂ L6H 7A3 | Pastor: Fr. J. Punnasery mmogp@bellnet.ca | Holy Trinity C.S.S. Holy Family C.E.S. St. Andrew C.E.S. St. Gregory the Great C.E.S. St. Marguerite d’Youville C.E.S. |
St. Andrew 47 Reynolds Street Oakville, ON L6J 3J9 | Pastor: Fr. C. O’Mahony office@StAndrewOakville.com 905-844-3303 | St. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S. St. Luke C.E.S. St. Vincent C.E.S. |
St. Anthony Church (Polish) 40 John Street Oakville, ONÂ L6K 1G8 | Pastor: Fr. C. Kolasa stanthonyoakville@hamiltondiocese.com 905-845-6067 | |
St. Dominic 2415 Rebecca Street Oakville, ON L6L 2B1 | Pastor: Fr. R. D’Sa stdominicoakville@hamiltondiocese.com 905-827-2373 | St. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S. St. Dominic C.E.S. St. Nicholas C.E.S. |
St. James 231 Morden Road Oakville, ONÂ L6K 2S2 | Pastor: Fr. J. Ahilan stjamesoak@sympatico.ca 905-845-3603 | St. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S. St. Nicholas C.E.S. |
St. Joseph (Oakville) (Portuguese) | Pastor: Fr. F. Pinto stjoseph@bellnet.ca 905-825-2043 | |
St. Matthew 1150 Monks Passage Oakville, ONÂ L6M 1M2 | Pastor: Fr. A. Varlaki 905-825-0219 | St. Ignatius of Loyola C.S.S. St. Teresa of Calcutta C.E.S. St. John Paul II C.E.S. St. Bernadette C.E.S. St. Joan of Arc C.E.S. St. Mary C.E.S. St. Matthew C.E.S. |
St. Michael 181 Sewell Drive Oakville, ONÂ L6H 1E3 | Pastor: Fr. J. Tomon stmichaelchurch@bellnet.ca 905-844-7971 | Holy Trinity C.S.S. Our Lady of Peace C.E.S. St. Michael C.E.S. |