Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH is a unique school-to-work internship program available to students with developmental or intellectual disabilities who are planning to graduate and are looking to acquire the workplace and functional skills that will prepare them for employment in the local community. 

In partnership with Community Living (North Halton), Halton Healthcare, CUPE Local 815, and HCDSB, this program offers an immersive workplace experience at the host site, Milton District Hospital. 

About the Program

Each day begins in the classroom where students learn employability skills. The bulk of the day is spent in worksite rotations that are developed throughout the host site. Students end their day in the classroom, reflecting on the day, journaling their key learning, problem solving, and planning. The program runs for one year, on a school cycle, and takes place during students’ final year before high school graduation.

Throughout the program, Skills Trainers provide training to students for each work experience, while site supervisors and managers will provide natural supports. Students receive continual feedback from Project SEARCH staff, co-workers and supervisors. 

Successful candidates who join Project SEARCH will:

  • Participate in a variety of work experiences during three â€‹8-10 week internships 
  • Acquire competitive, transferable and marketable employability skills
  • Gain increased independence, confidence, and self-esteem
  • Obtain work-based individualized coaching, instruction and feedback
  • Develop links to employment support and other service agencies

Student Eligibility

  • 18 years of age by December 2025
  • Enrolled in an HCDSB secondary school
  • Diagnosed with an intellectual disability or other disability
  • Desire to develop skills to be an effective employee in the workplace.
  • Able to pass a police check
  • Complete a pre-placement medical clearance

Application Process

Thursday, February 6, 2025 – In-person information session for parents 7:00 pm -8:00 pm at Milton District Hospital

Friday, March 7, 2025: Program Application Due:

Friday, April 11th, 2025: Interviews and Skills Assessment Sessions

  • Interviews and skills assessment sessions with the Project SEARCH team will take place at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School in Milton. Activities will assess specific skills to determine the students’ suitability for the program.

Week of April 14th, 2025: Notification of acceptance into the program

Business Advisory Council

Our Business Advisory Committee’s (BAC) goal is to increase overall employment opportunities for Project SEARCH interns by networking and promoting the goal of competitive employment for people with disabilities. Thus, if you are a local employer, there are several ways you can consider supporting our program:

  • Contact us to talk about the needs of your business and how our Project SEARCH graduates can contribute to your workplace.
  • Provide support to our current interns’ development of employability skills. For instance, become a member of our mock interview panel, host a tour of your workplace, or give a workshop, just to name a few.

Consider becoming a part of our BAC. We are happy to recruit business champions to promote Project SEARCH.

CUPE 815

More Information

For more details about the program, please visit:  and . 

For questions about the application process, please contact Lisa Vacca, Special Education Consultant at or Tracey Tapper, Project SEARCH Special Education Teacher at